No Rest For the Weary Weaver.

Eric has not taken a break from working in quite awhile. On Thanksgiving, when we arrived home after dinner, he went back in his workshop for a couple hours. And he’s been there all weekend. He’s got orders from September he’s still working on and another workshop this weekend in Connecticut. Here he is sanding parts for his mini tool kit (He taught this same basket at D.E.L.S. a couple weeks ago). Now all this ‘catching up’ does not include his finished mini baskets which he has a waiting list going back to 2003! What I would not give for a waiting list with my paintings. I’d be happy with a 1-month wait list. Let alone an 8-year waiting list like Eric. Oh… to be a sought-after artist. It must be nice.


3 Replies to “No Rest For the Weary Weaver.”

  1. Yes. But there is no sample of it, so no photo yet! He just created it and then taught it last week at D.E.L.S. As soon as he completes a sample I will upload it to his website.

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