Yes, I Help Fix Machinery Too.

Eric ordered a new replacement for a rubber tire on the wheel of his band saw. It was cracked and drying out and was coming off the wheel. A couple hours after the UPS driver dropped off the box with the replacement part, I heard a few loud words of frustration coming from the workshop. So I put down my soda and headed on downstairs, with the dog in tow, to see what was going on.

Eric was struggling (a little) getting the new rubber tire on the wheel of the band saw. Despite rigging up a way to do it on his own, he wasn’t having quick success. I immediately stepped in, and we got it on the wheel, together, within 30 seconds.

Men do not stop and ask for directions, or ask their wife for help in fixing machinery. But they should. Below is the “after picture” of me sliding the band into the grooves so it’s a nice tight fit. The Basketmaker’s Wife saves the day… again. (It feels so good to be needed!)


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