Five Questions Friday: Faaabulaaaas…

Q: Any advice for couples who want to both work from home?
If you can, don’t do it.  Ah, before I get in trouble, I’m just kidding! I’d say honestly, to have your own office and/or workspace. And develop your own routine that isn’t based on your partner’s since everyone works differently.

Q: If you could look inside the studio of any artist or craftsman, either still with us or not, who would it be?
Eric: First person that comes to mind is Frank Llyod Wright. I don’t know why but he fascinates me. I would want to be a fly on the wall during his prime. How big of an SOB was he? Just sounds like it would make a great reality tv show if he was alive today.

Q: What decade or style inspires you?
Eric: I love Art Deco.

Q: You are such a diligent artist and extremely productive. Any advice on how I (and others) can get out of a creative rut?
Eric: I remember Tom Petty talking about how Stevie Nicks was telling him that she was having writer’s block and wasn’t coming up with new material. Tom basically told her to just sit down and start writing. Simple advice but true. Creativity usually comes out as you put the work in. Sometimes you have to force yourself to create. I can’t tell you how many of my new basket designs have been driven by the deadline for a workshop proposal.  (editor’s note: Oh, so that’s my problem – I have to actually work! Oy.)

Q: Now to your most favorite question — what annoyed you this week?
Eric: You and your new imitation of Miller from Market Warriors. I’ve only seen the show a few times because I find her irritating and now you’re talking like the Connecticut socialite she thinks she is. I can’t believe tax payer dollars are going to this PBS crap! And that Miller has not disjointed her jaw by now. (editor’s note: Oh come ooooaaaan. You know you laaave Millaaaaa. She is faaaabulaaaas.)


2 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: Faaabulaaaas…”

  1. PBS, proud sponsor of Masterpiece Mystery, might want to consider yanking Market Warriors. An immediate demise would be appropriate!!!

    Lynne, just lay the color on the the canvas. You don’t need a plan. k

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