En Route to Atlanta


Yes, if your monitor is at a high enough resolution, that is in fact, Chance poking his head out the back window of the Odyssey (a.k.a. basket buggy — I know, lame. But that’s what Eric dubbed it — and I must confess, that every time he calls it that, it makes me laugh despite the fact of being fully aware that I am married to someone so corny, he would name a vehicle “buggy”).

So why is Chance coming with us to Atlanta? My brother and sis-in-law will be going to Chicago to visit my sister the same time we’re in Atlanta. This means Chance would have to go to a kennel. Instead, we decided to bring him with us for the trip down, and found a kennel nearby where we’re staying that will let me come in and walk him every day. So he’s on the road trip with us!

Chance is actually a great travel companion. Sometimes we forget he is even with us he’s so quiet! He sits in the far back and watches all the traffic, rarely laying down to nap. Due to Mr. Basketmaker’s Vehicle Rules, he has to be in the way back – No dogs allowed in “passenger areas.” I guess it’s an okay kind of rule. And sometimes, when leave the vehicle to get something to eat, Chance will figure out a way to squeeze through the seats and make the long journey up to the Driver’s Seat. When he does that, Eric’s reaction is priceless.

Sending a special “shout out” to cousin Charlie for house sitting and to our neighbors for keeping an eye on things. When you live in the city, you’re really close to all your neighbors which means your house is always safe. Lots of busybodies abound in our neighborhood! And living next door to a retired firefighter helps as well. His home is literally 8 feet from ours. And Charlie, don’t set off the security alarm again this time. At least we were able to learn that the police got there in 90 seconds! Perks of living in a congested little New Hampshire city with the station a few blocks away.


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