Five Questions Friday: I Need a Shower!

Q: So when am I going to be able to take a shower again? If I knew fixing and “mudding” drywall took three days, I would’ve said “leave the bathroom as is!”
Eric: You are able to take a shower right now, in the old farm house.  So there is a shower available and it’s up to you whether you want to use it or not.

Q: So how happy are you that our guest room no longer looks like a windowless closet?
Eric: It’s great because when I say something stupid, I now have fresh air in my little closet room where I’m banished.
(That is not funny.)

Q: But what happened to all the edges of our new blinds?
Eric: Okay. Okay. So, our “working carpenter” guest didn’t want the morning sun coming in so, I cut the $5 blinds I purchased using the bandsaw to fit the window. (I don’t recommend doing that.)
(I knew you used the band saw! I thought our “working carpenter” told you to use the table saw thingy?”)

Q: You think your mom, when she comes down in a couple weeks, will want to remove all that ugly wallpaper in the guest room?
Eric: Well, I honestly think it would be too much to ask her to remove the wallpaper and paint the room and oh, by the way, you need to sleep in the same room as well.
(Oh yeah. That would not be good. Maybe we could paint it before they get here!)

Q: What annoyed you this week?
Eric: This humidity!


2 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: I Need a Shower!”

  1. Don’t worry about the ugly wallpaper in the guest room. Visiting is more important. Can’t wait to see you both.

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