And the License Plate Winner Is…

What an honor. Over here at the Basketmaker’s Wife we offer awards for submitting license plates! Are we classified as rednecks yet?


So a couple weeks ago, Mr. Basketmaker sent out a “need for license plates” in reference to a wall design where we are repurposing old (or new) tags. And whoever sent in some plates first would win a signed autographed picture of the one-and-only Mr. Basketmaker, Eric, and our dog Chance (I know… such a sought-after item! Why wouldn’t we receive hundreds of plate submissions for that hot pic???)

Well, we received plates first from Judy Clark! Thanks Judy! And what’s cool about these plates are that Mr. Basketmaker and I spent part of our honeymoon in the states of Utah and Nevada. So those two tags are perfect for our little wall collection slash project!

In addition, Eric’s basketry teaching career began at the Michigan convention (I believe) so those plates are perfect! They all have a special meaning to both of us. Thanks so much Judy! As soon as I get a “presentable” image of Eric, without his grubby shop clothes on, I will mail it to you! (That may take a while…)


4 Replies to “And the License Plate Winner Is…”

  1. We have a Hawaii plate, but only one and we’re keeping it for ourselves! Maybe when we return to Hawaii for our 5th time (probably sometime around the year 2032), we’ll get you one!

  2. Very cool. I think the 50th state is a close second! Who do you know besides me, that can get you one of those plates? !

    1. Well, you plead a good case! And Hawaii is my brother and sis-in-law’s favorite place! I’ll discuss it with Mr. Basketmaker to see if he can reward you in some way…. te hee.

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