I Was Wondering Where That Floor Lamp Went…

We had this floor lamp where the shade got damaged in our move from New Hampshire to Tennessee. And then the floor lamp, well, sort of disappeared. And I then couldn’t remember if the base ever made it here, down South. “Maybe we left it behind in Eric’s old schoolhouse up in northern New Hampshire when he sold it” I surmised. .

Fast-forward about 15 months… while walking in Mr. Basketmaker’s workshop, taking some photos, I finally came upon it. Why didn’t I discover it months before? Oh, wait…. yeah, I know why. Because the lamp base was reincarnated as a drying stand for weavers and a “hook” for sandpaper strips before being cut into small squares for workshop classes. Why didn’t I think of that!



Well, I guess we really didn’t need that lamp anyways. I’m glad it has been repurposed and is serving Mr. Basketmaker well.


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