Five Questions Friday: Basket Wrap

Q: Our cousin Kerryn sent me her professional sketch of a vehicle wrap that she thinks we should get for the van. What do you think?


Eric: Ah, it’s pretty cute but the whole cat thing is not going to work, even though I’m a cat lover. But I can’t be advertising a cat since my dog Jaxson would probably eat that cat as a mid-morning snack and putting a photo up there would be false advertising. Plus, the dog Kerryn drew looks like Chance and I’d rather have the more masculine Jaxson on my vehicle wrap. And, quite honestly, I think my nephew Andrew who is two, could do a better illustration.
(Oh my gosh… that is so harsh….)

Q: Speaking of Kerryn, I was on the phone with her last week and we both want to know what was up with your attitude last Friday when I texted you while you were in Indiana and asked you about Five Questions Friday and you texted back “yeah, what about it?”  and I never heard from you again until the next day? I missed my Five Questions Friday Post!
Eric: What? I just finished a class and I was tired and I needed to get something to eat, and well, I can’t remember… what was the question again? 

Q: Next question came in as a text from my brother Tripp: Who is your favorite nephew?
Eric: What? I can’t answer that. And because of that question I’m declaring that next Friday is “Mr. Basketmaker asks his Brother-in-law Five Questions!”
(that should be interesting…)

Q: What was up with you bursting in yesterday while I was on speaker phone with two clients, yelling “Jaxson is out here running around like a maniac”!
Eric: How did I know you were on the phone with clients. Maybe you should put up some kind of warning light or sound that does “beep beep” or something.
(Hmmmm, I remember telling you I would be on conference at 12:00!)

Q: What aggravated you this week?
Eric: Well that’s easy. Okay, uhm, not that it really aggravated me but I can’t really say because my wife does such a great job on the website and the blog and everything But…. why does it still say that there are four spots left in my week class when there is only like one available and has been for the last couple weeks? I’m just saying…
(Okay, as an employee who does not get paid from Eric Taylor Basketry, I’m announcing that “I Quit!”)


2 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: Basket Wrap”

  1. Bring it! By the way, the correct answer is Ben, Andrew, then Sam bringing up the rear. There’s no shame in ranking… Heck, you’re my second favorite brother in law!

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