Pinterest While Drinking: Veggie Owl by “K”

I decided my hiatus was going to be up Thanksgiving. And I had a nice long post for today. However, I could not resist sharing my cousin “K”s latest creation she just shared with me.

First, many of you probably remember her Turkey Veggie Plate last Thanksgiving. If not, I have two photos to remind you and also, you can find the original link here.

So this year, she decided to do a veggie plate in the likeness of an owl. Very ambitious of her I thought. Below is her fabulous edible (I think) conception:


For comparison, below is her image for inspiration from Pinterest (uploaded via “Homestead & Survival” Facebook page)


I think she’s getting much better! But I reminded her that she’s got to put down her special Vodka drink when creating these things. Why do I assume this? How else can you explain that big red nose? (not to mention the bushy eyebrows and where did she see celery in her inspiration photo???).

I REPEAT the same Disclaimer I wrote last year: My cousin Kerryn is extremely talented and this post is all in good fun. I love her and she knows that… Happy Thanksgiving K! You’re the best! 


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