Five Questions Friday: Bee Rescuer

Q: So was it hard for you to leave me and my parents who stopped in on their way from Florida to New Hampshire, to go off to the Indiana Convention—Especially since a string of bad storms were heading our way?
Eric: Yes, it was very hard. I was very worried. I was online watching the Nashville newscast.

Eric: By the way, I have a question for you… why were my speakers all disconnected in the workshop?
Me: Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you about that. During the tornado warning, my mom and I were in your main workshop room. We were watching the local news to see where in McMinnville the tornado warning was focused. But my dad was in the movie room, apparently not worried that the tornado warning was in our town, watching his own program. However, your two speakers in the main room were wired into the movie room, blaring my dad’s show, so we couldn’t hear the weather. I unplugged one of your speakers thinking it would disconnect both but it didn’t. So I had to disconnect the second one. Sorry, but safety came first on that one.

Q: My mom and I are back to our FitBit challenge. I reduced her weekly requirements to 10,000 steps a day, 5 days a week. Mine are 10,000 a day, 6 days a week. She has already missed 3 days. Do I dock her or let it slide?
Eric: Awwwe, geez. Well, I guess you can dock her if you want but I wouldn’t recommend you doing that. 

Q: I am so glad I am done the taxes— and two days before they were due! Taxes completely stress me out. Does my personality change at all during this mad-dash-to-get-taxes-done?
Eric: (LOL) Ahh… I’m gonna say I don’t think so.

Q: What aggravated you this week?
Eric: All the bees coming into my workshop. I propped the door open to bring materials in and had four this afternoon I had to rescue.
Me: Rescue? We’re rescuing bees now?
Eric: Yeah. I got a good method now. They always go to the window. I capture it in a cup, slide a piece of cardboard over it and then set it free outside.
Me: Yeah, to come right back in.
Eric: Probably. It’s likely from all the climbing roses on the porch.
Me: Well, those are not going anywhere.


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