Five Questions Friday: Eric Approves

I guess I must’ve (finally) asked ‘Eric-approved’ questions, because after two weeks, he submitted answers today! He did not like my questions for the past two weeks and was boycotting my blog! I know! How could he not like any question I ask???

Q: Since you rejected my questions for the last two weeks, what kind of questions do you want me to ask?
Good ones! Like, here’s one you missed this week: What was it like being in the car with you, the dog and your mother for 15 straight hours?

Oh, yeah, that is a good question. What was it like being surrounded by greatness for 15 straight hours?
: It went better than I thought it was going to be. Listening to the Redzone and the various football games on your iPhone was really cool.

Q: Are you jealous that one of your students, Christy, sent me an awesome card and not one to you?
Eric: No. Because she gives me really cool t-shirts.

Q: How big is your head now that you have won another award?
Eric: You’re asking me? I think you would be better to answer that one yourself.

Q: Where are we heading next?
Eric: We have to beat that big “monster” storm coming up the East Coast and head down to Atlanta a day sooner. I still have a few days of shop work to go. So no more questions. (editor’s note: Is he whining? Sounds like he’s whining to me.)

Q: Wait! You’re forgetting your favorite question. What aggravated you this week?
Eric: Oh, I’ve got one.  While repacking the van with the radio on, I drained the battery. I guess it was taking longer than I thought.  Thanks Bill for the use of your portable generator! (editor’s note: Now I am not going to be “that” kind of wife who will respond with a “told you so” or “I warned you about leaving the radio and lights on” or “I told you eventually you would drain the battery”… Nope. I refuse to be that kind of wife and just keep my mouth shut.)


4 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: Eric Approves”

    1. You’re too funny. It’s so hard to be mad at you for not answering my questions for the last two weeks and ignoring all your fans!

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