An Innocent Child & A Dirty Dog.

In light of the tragedy in Connecticut, appreciate ALL the children in your life! And how many more smiles they bring to our lives than sadness.

I came across an image of my nephew that made me laugh and reminded me how much I enjoy having him in my life.

Who else would get in a bathtub with an extremely dirty dog and scrub away, not even noticing that the water they are sitting in has become a shade of gray? And, put on goggles and dunk in the water so he could scrub this dirty dog’s paws? Only an innocent child would.
Yes, that really is my nephew dunking his head in that nasty water so he could see Chance’s paws! Did I let him do this? Of course! (That’s what Aunts are for.)

However, as soon as his mother (my sister) got wind of what I was laughing so hard about, she came upstairs, directed him out of the filthy bathtub, turned on the shower and told him to wash off! (That’s what Moms are for.)


2 Replies to “An Innocent Child & A Dirty Dog.”

    1. Thanks Joanne! Yes, Chance was the cleanest he’s ever been! And Ben loved it! Especially going in the water to examine his paws with goggles. I thought we needed an uplifting kid photo to cheer people up.

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