Five Questions Friday: First Aid

Q: What do you think of the Anniversary gift we received from my parents?
Eric: Initially, I thought they were sending us a subliminal message of some kind… A container filled with all kinds of first aid stuff?

Q: Yes. That was unusual! But you know why they sent that right?
Eric: Yes. They got it for our camper! Due to you hurting your hand and getting an infection because we rinsed your cut with camp water. Now we have a large bottle of antiseptic wash. So we will be prepared next time. It was actually a great gift. An unusual one for an Anniversary, but I liked it.

Q: I heard two team owners from our Brady Gaga League called because they were upset with a poll you put online?
Eric: Oh please. It was your father being his typical self trying to drum up some imaginary trouble while Joe was over visiting him. It was all nonsense.

Q: What aggravated you this week?
Eric: I don’t have one immediately at the top of my head. But I know there has to be something. Let me think.

Q: You’ve been thinking for 10 minutes now. Can you really not think of anything?
Eric: Got it. I thought of one. The frogs! It’s like they are sitting in front of the door, at night, waiting for me to open it and as soon as I open the door, they hop inside! I’ve tried to lightly nudge them away with my foot. However, all they do is roll over on their back and just lay there. I figured they would get the message eventually and not come around. But it’s not working.


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