The Small and the Mini

Below is Mr. Basketmaker’s newest “Smalls” which is a tiny version of his Cottage Presentation Bowl:


It is now available in kit form. Note that this basket is not to be confused with the long line of the much tinier baskets I showed in yesterday’s post.

I have to confess that I was a little confused between Eric’s “Smalls.” Apparently he has two lines in the smaller-version category:

Smalls: These are the smaller versions of Eric’s full-size Cottage basket line. This is the size of the smaller-version baskets that are available in kits.

Mini’s:  These are tinier than the “Smalls” and are NOT available in kits. Eric creates them and sells them as special, completed one-off versions. They are different sizes but always smaller than his “Smalls” (too many small’s).

In the photo below, there are three baskets that are all smaller versions or replicas of his full-size Cottage Carrier Basket:

eric-taylor-basket-small-mini-tinyThe basket in the far back is the only one available as a SMALLS kit. The two in front are special limited edition “Mini” baskets that he sells completed. These were part of all the little tiny mini baskets shown in yesterday’s post and they are for sale. The “MINIS” are $125.00 each.

Here’s another visual I quickly created showing 3 different petite sizes…


Mr. Basketmaker voiced his opinion that everyone already knows this. Actually, his exact words were “You call yourself the basketmaker’s wife and you don’t know the different lines of my baskets?” Could he actually be correct and that I’m the only one who was confused about the availability of his SMALLS and his MINIS? Someone out there please tell me I’m not the only one! LOL.

*** Note to everyone who emailed me or asked about his new basket or the limited edition Mini’s, I will be creating a post with links to what is available hopefully this weekend. And I also hope to update his website with all his full line of Smalls Kits that are available including a handy checklist for you to print out to see what you have and what you don’t have.


5 Replies to “The Small and the Mini”

  1. I saw this quote and thought of Eric. Don’t we agree?
    He who works with his hands is a laborer.
    He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.
    He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist. St. Francis of Assisi

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