Q: How about that eclipse?
Eric: Ahh, it was amazing. More so that it went directly over our house so we had 100% totality. Never saw anything like it. And great to share it with our friends Jud & Suzanne. But I probably should have worn those glasses.
Q: What are you talking about? Jud & Suzanne brought you glasses! You didn’t wear them?
Eric: I know just kidding. You are so easy.
(side note: Thanks to Suzanne for bringing the black and white “eclipse” cookies! I have a big sweet tooth so the “heavy sweetness” was perfect for me—ha ha.)
Q: We are now done with Summer Workshops. How did it go (from your point of view)?
Eric: Oh I think they went very well. We may need to add another week next year because both groups are coming back and we will need space for others.
(We’ll see… your workshops are a lot of work!)
Q: I heard it’s not Jaxson but Coco Kitty who is the instigator. Really?
Eric: Yup we all saw it, and multiple times during all the workshops. She was taunting him by getting closer while he was sleeping and when he popped up his head she would arch her back and make her ‘noise’ while showing her teeth.
Q: What aggravated you this week?
Eric: You listening to your Dad and allowing him to get you sucked into Big Brother. You are banned from watching that next year. You tell your Dad I said so.