5Q’s Friday: More from the “Guts, Grits and Lipstick” Gals

As you read last week, 10 questions were asked and ALL were approved by the dictator, eh hem, I mean Mr. Basketmaker. So here’s more of their questions…

Q from GGL: Do you prefer to teach in a convention setting or in your workshop?
Eric: You are going to get me in trouble here. I think my students get a more laid back and personalized experience here in my shop. You go from twelve students to around six or seven. I like to keep it small here. There are no time restraints and students can make baskets that can’t be made at a convention. Being a small group, the students almost always become friends by the end of the week. This last group wants to come back next year, if we can make the dates work. As far as conventions, I enjoy that also. It is different in that there are a lot of people. Conventions are the best way to get a new basket out there and to be seen.

Q from GGL: Are you ever going to buy Lynne a new pair of shoes?
Eric: OMG! You really know how to play that vioLynne. Folks, those are her painting shoes and do you really think I can keep her from buying something?
Dang, the gig is up! You exposed me. I guess no more sympathy about my shoes! Will have to come up with something else for next time.

Q from GGL: What is your most requested basket or series?
Eric: That is a tough question. If you mean most popular, all-time—I would say my Cottage Carrier, Wine tote, Mail and the Mountain Tub series. This changes as new baskets come out. Right now, the most I am hearing about is the Legacy Sewing basket.

Q from GGL: What’s your favorite thing about your wife?
Eric: I love her wit and she is never boring.

Q: What aggravated you this week?
Eric: Ok, let me just say this is more than one week. This has been happening for approximately two years. Who is torturing us by sending us People magazine. It started showing up in our mail box almost two years ago. I said what the heck is this? I know Lynne didn’t order it. Was it some free offer and even if it was I can’t see her doing that. We asked around, was it my mother, her mother? Cousin? Nobody took ownership. Every week I go to the mail box to find the latest edition. Both of us have told our mail lady that we didn’t order this—based on total embrassment. We thought after a year it would stop, but noooo! Do you know it costs over a hundred dollars to get this mush-mind-rag-mag per year? If I won some kind of lifetime subscription why couldn’t it have been something Fine Woodworking, Family Handyman or even Popular Mechanics?
Yeah, I’m with you on that Eric. Who is spending the money to send us this subscription? I’d much rather get a gift card. Really. I tried looking through it and I don’t know 3/4 of the people in it! I probably should be thankful for that! But whoever you are, send us a gift card instead! Or chocolate. That would work too. Or wine, that’s even better.


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