Mr. Basketmaker didn’t waste his time (like me) while being shuttered…

Can people be shuttered? Or just businesses. Either way, he has been majorly productive while sheltering here in middle Tennessee. Busy sketching, designing and creating all kinds of new baskets.

Following is a group of 15 new baskets waiting for rims (or parts) to be attached…

In the other room he has three more getting their uprights…

I’m really loving the shape of this new square one! I may have to sneak in one night and take it. I wonder what kind of handles he will be using on this one…

And finally he’s created some “wall” baskets that I’ve been asking for quite awhile now… So far he has three completed. Here’s two of them…

He must be all set for new submittals to conventions at least until 2025 I’d say! As soon as they are all named, I will start sharing and getting them on his website.

And regarding, I’ve finally figured out all the broken links that happened after WordPress updated their platform—more on that later. But I have a whole bunch of new posts to upload and share over the next few weeks.


12 Replies to “Mr. Basketmaker didn’t waste his time (like me) while being shuttered…”

      1. My son and his family live on Nashville. I would like to take a class. I am a novice. Thank you for your help.

  1. Hopefully I can add one of these to my project list when Tracey and I visit in June. Our TN outing is the most longed for get away.

    1. Thanks Christy. I took an online break. Closed my Facebook and some others. It’s been great. Thanks for the Valentine’s Day card… you are too nice!

  2. Love love love Eric’s new Wall Basket, need one!
    So glad you both are healthy, happy and still doing good things.. We’re good and pray this Covid isolation mode is soon no longer necessary so we can play together again. Stay safe and warm! Love Jane S

      1. I am glad to see your post. I have missed your Friday posts. I was wondering what happened to the basket maker’s wife so I am happy to know you have just been shuttering! It is exciting to see all of Eric’s new creations and I can’t wait to see the finished products!! Soooo looking forward to a 2021 workshop. You are both such incredible artists! Thank you for sharing!!! Sue Byrnes

        1. Thank you Sue! Yeah, I went on a total social media blackout. Closed my Facebook, stayed off of Instagram, etc. – It was nice.

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