The following is from Mr. Basketmaker himself…
The first shipment of books (which was a mixup and only 75 were delivered) arrived Wednesday, late afternoon the day before we left for the NCBA Convention. I spent that evening signing the copies for those who paid for the books and would be in North Carolina. (And maybe later we will mention the online debacle with no HotSpot connection to our phones to process credit card orders… Lynne was in full-out panic mode….)
Despite that, my last class was on Sunday, and instead of having a leisurely trip back home like we usually do and maybe going out for dinner and getting a nice hotel mid-way, we drove straight through. The rest of the ‘original’ shipment of the books was arriving Monday. So we wanted to make sure we were there.
In the meantime, we had about 20 leftovers so I got those out today. These are the first books being shipped!

Then shortly after those went out, UPS finally showed up with all the rest of the books on our first order. And here they are in my workshop – getting a final look-through and approval from Quality Control, a.k.a. my wife.

So tonight, I’m doing nothing but signing, packing, and creating mailing labels to get everyone else’s orders out tomorrow (hopefully!)
Finally, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who bought a book. It will be arriving shortly.
Also, several people came to me at NCBA and were under the impression that I was only printing 100 books and they missed out. “No!” I numbered the first 100 books sold – just something “special” that I thought would be fun. I’ve printed hundreds of these books so they are still available for sale and if you order directly from my website, I will sign and date your book.
Finally, a big shoutout to everyone who did pre-sales. So grateful!!! And humbling… honestly. I thank you for your support.
Your book is stunning. I’m so happy to have it in my collection. I’m so glad that it is being well received. All Basketmakers should have a copy of this. The work life of a basketmaker isn’t easy. You and Lynne are deserving of every accolade you receive. Well done.
Thanks Joanne. This book is ALL Eric. 🙂