Last week, Eric had a workshop here with a group dubbed “the Squad & Friends.” And on Friday, they wrote down questions for me to ask Eric. However, it was a late night, so I saved the questions for today.
Q from Squad: What is your favorite basket that you ever made?
Eric: This is going to sound lame but it’s simply “the newest basket” I’m working on. I have created many baskets and sure, I do like some more than others. But when I finally get a bit of time to create a new basket, it is a pleasure. Most recent was my new McMinnville Day Tote. Actually, it’s Lynne’s new tote. After making the mold and designing the basket, I invited Miss Pattie to weave the first one. So as of today, the Day Tote is is my favorite.

Q from Squad: What is your favorite thing about having workshops at your home?
Eric: These are turning out to be good questions here. I would say I have always dreamed of having a place or shop that I would be proud of to hold workshops. When we moved to Tennessee in 2013, it took a few years just to hold a couple workshops and it was a little rough around the edges. Now, years later, I look forward to and greatly enjoy inviting basket makers and weavers to my shop. It is better than I dreamed.
Q from Squad: What is your least favorite thing about having workshops at your home?
Eric: My workshop is usually in order, but taking additional time in cleaning it a bit more than usual. As well as cleaning the house because my wife procrastinates.
Q from Squad: What is your favorite tool in your workshop?
A see a “favorite” theme here. I don’t think I really have any favorites. Each tool has a purpose and they sort of all work together to produce the final product. JoAnn Kelly Catsos asked me last week, “Do you have enough drill presses?” I said, “No, I could use another.”
Q from Squad: What aggravated you during our week?
Eric: You know what, I really can’t think of anything. Oh, wait I just thought of one. Getting everyone to pick what pizzas to order on pizza night—everyone wants something different.