8 Replies to “It’s April.”

    1. Yes! I know lame but I was looking for a quick and easy post! Both of our mothers called this morning. My mom was in a panic but Eric’s mom was happy he cut it! He had to let her know that it was a joke.

  1. Oh that’s too funny! You are procrastinating doing the taxes by making a blog post and I’m doing the same, only adding another page to my website and thinking about writing a blog post!

    Does Eric get his hair cut every April or is this a special occasion? And since it was soooo long, will he be donating his hair to Locks of Love? My brother David, did that for years, and always had ringlets by the time he got it cut. Now there’s so much gray, I don’t know if they even want it anymore! Suppose?

    My Mr. WickerWoman keeps yelling at me to get off the computer and do my taxes, unless I’m using it to DO taxes. Think I can convince him that I am? Hehehe! Good luck on yours and hope to see a pretty picture of Eric real soon with his new “Hair Do.”

    1. Hi Cathryn: Yes, I love procrastinating. Especially the taxes! But we’re leaving soon for Indiana and I need to get them done. Also, today’s post was an April Fool’s rouse. Eric has not cut his hair. But you gave him an idea of growing it longer and cutting it to donate it. And, he has good genes in that he has little gray!

  2. Well I am saving my judgement untill I see him, but I have to tell you I liked his hair the way it was. I will save my openion untill I see for myself.

    1. Hi Marty! This is an April Fool’s Joke. I like Eric’s hair the way it is as well! But he has threatened to cut it on a few occasions.

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