And The Name Is…

We still do not know. Eric is close to completing his new exhibit basket, which I can only show as a “peek” image for now. We’re both excited it’s almost done but we still have not decided on a name.

We’ve been tossing ideas for about six months now. I bet you didn’t know a lot of time is spent naming baskets. But there is. I think what’s stumping us is that most of the name ideas from Eric’s list have words like torture, inferno, bottomless pit, torment, arduous, intense, backbreaker, and a whole bunch of swear words mixed in that I cannot repeat.

But I think now that the weaving is all done and the handle is attached, he’s slowly starting to forget all the difficulty he had in creating this basket due to it’s intricate pattern. So we are starting over with the task of naming. After a glass, or two, (okay three) of wine and a few hours of brainstorming tonight, we should have a name to attach to this inspirational basket.


5 Replies to “And The Name Is…”

  1. The creative mind tends to freeze up when pressed. Some wine (OK, a lot of wine) and a great game might be the perfect solution!

  2. Hey! That’s exactly the same problem I’m having with one of my new antler basket sculptures! Assigning them a title or name is without a doubt, the hardest part of creating the baskets.

    Can’t for the life of me, decide on a name and have asked for input from several different friends and relatives. And like Eric, Mr. Wicker Woman has offered some unrepeatable title suggestions. How about we swap pictures and name each other’s ????

    1. Glad to know others get stumped naming as well! Swapping pics is a good idea! Eric is supposed to be taking some full basket shots tonight. But the Celtics are in a playoff game tonight so I’m not sure he’ll get to it!

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