Connect With Your Old Friends.

Don’t let a stomach flu stop you from connecting with old friends.

My old college roommate from Southern Illinois, Tracy Patterson Downer, moved to Atlanta many years ago. Last November, when I was in Atlanta for one of Eric’s workshops, we made arrangements to get together for lunch. I did not see Tracy since college graduation and we lost touch years later. So I was excited to reconnect and see her again. She was married with two young children and doing very well. I was looking forward to hearing about her family, career and accomplishments. But I came down with a bad stomach ailment for two days and had to cancel.

Friday, I learned that Tracy was killed two days earlier in a horrific traffic accident at the busy Thornton Rd. intersection in Atlanta. A semi-truck, who was speeding, ran a red light and smashed into the car she was a passenger in and pushed the vehicle into oncoming traffic, involving several other cars as well.  Tracy was killed instantly. The driver died shortly after.

I wish I would have met her for lunch and just ate crackers, instead of whining on the phone to her about throwing up. I’ll never have another chance to see her again.


8 Replies to “Connect With Your Old Friends.”

  1. Lynne, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts are prayers are with you and Tracy’s family. This I so tragic .

    1. Thanks Susan. Yes, it is a tragedy. My point was if an old friend gets back in contact with you and wants to meet up, do not say “no”! You’ll never know if you ever get another opportunity.

    1. Thanks Tony. It’s a loss for Tracy’s family and her huge network of friends in Atlanta. I was lucky to be her roommate a long time ago.

    1. Thanks Cathryn. Yes, I took it for granted! She was a close old friend that I lost touch with and reconnected online last year and missed the opportunity to meet for lunch!

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