Are You Ready For Some Football?

What is the most important thing that is going on in our house these days? After being gone for two weeks you would think it would be fulfilling some orders from the last workshop. Nope. Weaving two miniature baskets that were ordered last week? Nope. Mowing the overgrown lawn? Nope. Getting rid of the weeds that have spread like the plague in our front yard? Nope. Playing with Chance because we’ve missed him so much? Nope. Washing the heap of laundry downstairs blocking the door to the backyard? Nope. Invoicing my clients for the month of July? Nope. Returning calls from the people who left messages over the last two weeks we were away? Nope. Catching up on Burn Notice, American Pickers and Restaurant Impossible? Nope.

Okay, okay. So what is the most important thing going on? Our upcoming Brady Gaga League Football draft which I have been reminded is only ten days away. For the last few days, I’ve been fielding calls from some “obnoxious” league members asking me who I am going to draft or if I know who Eric is going to draft. And then I have Eric coming upstairs informing me of all the things he needs to do to get ready for this year’s Football season. As I write this, I am waiting to edit the letter Eric will be sending to all league members officially “welcoming” them to the new Brady Gaga season. He’s been working on it for three hours now! (Not kidding).

For those who don’t know what Brady Gaga is and are new to this blog, it is the name of our Fantasy Football League and Eric is the commissioner. And I do have to admit, he is a fantastic commissioner. And I really enjoy being part of a Fantasy Football League. But don’t tell him that. I still want him to believe that I think he is annoying, especially on Sundays. That way, he makes me lots of good snacks during the football games.

So what has my part been in the preparations for the upcoming season? Getting Sister Gaga all dusted off of course! I need good players this time! So she will be set right next to me during the online draft.

Now before I get any emails from some thinking I should not be using vintage nun statues for Fantasy Football. I went through twelve (very long) years of private Catholic education… I am allowed to have a little fun with a statue depicting a devoted nun (well, at least I think it’s okay… the typical Catholic guilty conscience is seeping in…)


4 Replies to “Are You Ready For Some Football?”

  1. Not to turn Lynne’s wonderful blog into our league smack board, although many would find it a compelling read. I do have to address Tripp’s comment. I don’t believe I ever called any of the league members “obnoxious.” I may have said the word annoying or irritating. Blog writers these days try to get people ginned up and I think the word “obnoxious” is more controversial. Point two, my number one job as the Commish, is to make an enjoyable experience for the team owners. Sometimes I need to tend to league business at the sacrifice of my own team, “Viva Manch Vegas.” The rest of my time goes towards my shuffle board training. LGI baby, LGI!

  2. “For the last few days, I’ve been fielding calls from some “obnoxious” league members asking me who I am going to draft or if I know who Eric is going to draft.” ~ OK, I’ve called a couple times, but I’ve never ASKED who you are going to draft, I’ve TOLD you who you were going to draft. As far as being obnoxious…. well, this message may speak for itself!

    “Eric is the commissioner. And I do have to admit, he is a fantastic commissioner.” ~ I could not agree more with this statement. I mean seriously, how can you not like a commissioner who for two years running now has fielded perhaps the worst team in our league? Gotta love a commish who intentionally makes his team crappy so that the rest of the league will have more fun. At least I can only presume he does it on purpose?

    On another note, Eric is also a great commish becasue he allowed the leagues most dominant team, Jolene’s Jolly Jawbreakers (yes, that’s my team… obnoxious… maybe just a little), to use his lucky chair last year while playing against him and then JJJ went on an 8 game winning streak to win the Brady Gaga Championship.

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