A Hiatus With My Sister.

I have not posted to my blog for over a week. No, it’s not because I have run out of things to write about! I have pages of material that I have yet to post. But rather, I have been away, both physically and mentally. What?! Yes, that sounds odd. I’m not having a breakdown of some sort. Approximately three weeks ago, I received a phone call from my sister Michelle. It was not a good phone call. It was one that you dread. Your heart falls into your feet and you find yourself in a shock-like state.

Before I proceed, I have to reveal that my sister is now perfectly fine. But three weeks ago she was not. She got devastating news from her doctor of the “c” word. The phone call lasted less than a minute. As she hung up, I went into panic mode. All I could remember from that conversation was “Yes, Lynne, fly out today.” I called my brother and tried to tell him but I hung up on him (I know… terrible!) And then I immediately got on my laptop, purchased a plane ticket and was upstairs packing a suitcase for my flight that was leaving in less than three hours.

Michelle is a warm, funny, popular, loving and creative woman. She has two unique sons and is a great mom. But I first knew her as my sister. My only sister. And this picture was taken of us before she used to drive me crazy — before I had to share a room with her; before she ruined my favorite white sweater; before she followed me to the same high school! You know where I’m going with this.

But despite all the things a younger sister does to annoy her older sister (and vice versa), I still feel the same way about her, as I did in this photo. And the threat of losing her, I could not comprehend. And I had no inspiration to write on my blog. One thing you will get with me and my writing is honesty. I will not post to fake any mood I am in. If things are not going good, I won’t post how wonderful life is. You know what I mean? If you have been on other blogs where the writer posts how awesome their spouse is, how awesome their marriage is, how awesome their kids are and how awesome there house is, you know what I’m talking about. If Mr. Basketmaker is driving me crazy with all the sawdust he drags up into our living space, I mean it! Life is not always perfect! And when it throws you a curve ball, it’s okay to take a break and regroup. That’s sort of what I did.

So I was in Chicago visiting my sister and relishing in the time I spent with her and my two nephews. I really didn’t think of anything else. And it wasn’t all somber. We had lots of laughs, went to the museum, drank margaritas, even went sailing on Lake Michigan and stayed up late into the morning hours. And yes, she had a tumor. I say “had” because a few days ago it was removed, completely. She has a large scar in her neck but she is alive and well. That’s the only outcome I would ever have accepted.

So I dedicate today’s post to my sister Michelle and that she has a speedy recovery and is back to her normal, vivacious self in no time!


6 Replies to “A Hiatus With My Sister.”

  1. Thank you Lynne, I feel the same about you. I could not have gone through that week without you. Love, Michelle

  2. Such a cute picture! Glad things worked out and your sister is on the mend. I only have 1 sister, just me and her, and I can totally understand your need to drop everything and head out to be with her.

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