Five Questions Friday: A New Basket?

Q: What is this?
I don’t know what this is but I like it. Over the years I have seen something like this and have always wanted to make one along the same lines and shape. So based on that inspiration, I came up with this version which measures 11” long and is 8 ½” in diameter.

Q: What do you call it?
: That’s a good question. I’m hoping you, or someone else, will come up with something.

Q: Is that what you were doing day and night last weekend?
Eric: Ya, that would have been it. When the spark hits, you don’t walk, you run! (editor’s note: Okay, I’ve never heard him say that before… When the spark hits you run???)

Q: Are you going to teach this?
Eric: If I can figure out how, I would answer your question with a “yes.”

Q: What annoyed you this week?
Eric: Ah, my favorite question. And it was a good week for being annoyed because it is a toss up—so two answers. Frist, my brother-in-law seems to have quit our fantasy football league out of some stupid protest move. It might have something to do with the fact that his team is 2 & 8. And then there was the second thing: Looking for my wedding band in bags of leaves! That was hours and hours of lost time. I eventually found the ring and Tripp will hopefully come back — all is good. Right? (editor’s note: I would not call looking for your wedding ring “hours of lost time!” More like “hours of time saving your butt!”)


4 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: A New Basket?”

  1. I love the “New Basket”. It could be a magazine basket, a basket
    for lovely handmade towels, or anything your heart desired. It
    looks like an “Eric Basket”.

    1. Thanks Hannah! I put dinner napkins in it and set it on our dining room table. Yes, it definitely looks like an “Eric basket”!

  2. I truly think what Eric should teach is a wood working class… or a class on how to use a sander and get our wood to look that good…..

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