Being Creative.

I follow a fellow artist’s blog, the ‘Artful Vagabond’ by Serena Kovalosky, and would like to share a quote from her that inspired me:

“I live to create. Something. Anything. It doesn’t matter if it’s a piece of artwork, a new entrepreneurial project, or a new riff on an old recipe.”

I was so happy to read this quote because I get down on myself regarding my artwork when I’m not happy where it’s going. Then I believe I’m not creative. Next, I leave the painting on my easel for weeks or months or even longer—beating myself up that I’m not being creative.

But reading Serena’s words “new entrepreneurial project” resonated with me because, when I’m not painting, I’m working my main job as a freelance designer; or searching thrift stores for inspirational items and vintage objects I can put on my etsy store; or writing for my blog; or coming up with ideas for Eric in marketing his business. I never thought about all those things as ‘being creative.’ But Serena is correct…they are!

Even my freelance design business — I know others most likely think I’m being creative all the time but it’s become a job to me, as of late, so I’ve blindly forgotten that it’s still a creative endeavor that also happens to pay the bills! Thank you Serena!


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