Mr. Basketmaker Speaks: Lunatic Ravens’ Fan

Since Mrs. Basketmaker went to the dentist today and had a whole bunch of work done on both sides of her mouth and is in a lot of pain and is on her 3rd glass of wine so she can forget said pain, and because she is drooling and half in the bag, I’m feeling sorry for her so I will help her out and write today’s post.

So all you Basketmaker’s Wife Fans, I will take this opportunity to share with you a video of an obsessed football fan.

Around here in New England, everyone was glued to the TV for the big game yesterday. Side story… I tell you what, I went to Market Basket (regional grocery store) at about noon time to get some last minute game time provisions and the parking lot was full.

Another side story…the Pats game was going to be on at 4:30 pm —I would never go out that close to game time. Anyway, back to the Market Basket. The lot was full and I had to find a parking spot at the far end of the lot. I had my new sales flyer and didn’t think the whole Sunday-before-the-big-game-shopping-thing out too good. Anyway, I love Market Basket —they are a well-run company. I didn’t even have to wait to check out. Every register was occupied by a ready-and-able employee, not like Hannaford’s or Stop n’ Shop. Have I gotten off topic again?

Football! Football rules in this house. Thankfully, Lynne is also a big fan.  Yesterday, while watching the end of the Seattle and San Fran game, she blurted out, “Isn’t that Pete Carroll?” (Another tangent, she had to work yesterday on a big project so she wasn’t paying attention to the earlier games) I said , “Of course” and she said, “See, how many women would know that?” I thought in my head “how many women would actually be proud of that?” I decided to keep that lost comment to myself.

I’m getting off topic again. Let me try to wrap this up. Remember last year’s “Meghan and the glitter nail polish” video — The Green Bay Packers fan that had a melt down with her sister? It was posted on the blog last year and if you missed it, you can find it here.  Well, I have a new video for you this year.

The wife of a Baltimore Ravens fan taped her neurotic husband watching the game. I’m not sure why he was screaming like a little girl because the Ravens won!
(editor’s note: I am not on my 3rd glass of wine… it’s only my first! And I’m not half in the bag! He is correct about the drooling…  Enjoy the video! It’s a good one. Anyone recognize their own husbands?)


3 Replies to “Mr. Basketmaker Speaks: Lunatic Ravens’ Fan”

  1. I just want to make an additional note to this post. One, anyone that owns a team jersey and wears it on game day and is over 25 has some issues. Two, this cry baby should buy some diapers for this Sunday.

    1. Notice that his daughter doesn’t really react too strongly to his girlish crying. He must do that all the time and she has pretty much learned to tune him out.

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