A Painting With Visitation Rights

I was going to post one of my “works in progress” and decided to share one that is complete and gone. Which I’m really starting to miss!


It’s not that it’s any great work of art but sometimes you create something and it’s the “process” that you form a connection with. And this painting was just that for me. And I sort of wish I still owned it. But lucky for me, it didn’t go too far. It is hanging in the home of our good friends Karen & Eric up in Maine. So this painting I will be able to “visit.”

Many of my paintings have sold to people I have never met. And I wonder every now and then who bought them, what inspired the purchase, where they hung it and if it’s still admired today.

As an artist, I enjoy seeing my paintings owned by others, hanging in their homes, where I am able to view it with a different eye. And hopefully critique it in a way where I see growth in my current work.


2 Replies to “A Painting With Visitation Rights”

  1. I can totally relate to you on this one Lynne, I’ve done that many times with my antler baskets. In fact, I’ve made several back in the 1990s that I’ve kept just for my own enjoyment or to use as class samples.

    But since I sign and date all my artwork, if I later decide to sell the piece or want to enter it into an exhibit, I’m out of luck. Most galleries and exhibitions want recent work created within the last two years, but thankfully I have made private sales on some of the old pieces, too.

    Keep up the good work! Always enjoy seeing The Basketmaker’s Wife new blog post notice in my email box. Wishing you more Happy Painting Days in the future in your new “digs.”

    1. Your antler baskets are gorgeous and so unique. It must be really hard to let those go! I can imagine since I saw how torn Eric was when he sold one of his exhibit baskets.

      Thanks for the support and reading my blog Cathryn!

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