Our Wall of Windows Project: Upcycled

Most of you know we bought property in Tennessee that included an old farmhouse and a large industrial building that was formerly a church. We will gut the farmhouse and completely renovate it (but not until next year or so). That means temporarily, all of Mr. Basketmaker’s workshop is housed in the farmhouse and the church building we turned into our living quarters and my studio.

But we needed some walls! It was one large open space. And since this will eventually become Eric’s workshop, we wanted to design the living space with his future basketry headquarters in mind. He always envisioned having all his equipment, tools, etc. in one half and a “dust-free” project area and teaching studio in the other half, separated by a wall of glass.

With our starving-artists’ budget, we headed down to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore and purchased a whole bunch of old wood windows for $2 each. Eric built one side of the wall about a month ago. And this weekend, I am so glad that my father-in-law is here to help Eric build the other half because of this:


Yes, that’s Mr. Basketmaker up on a ladder that is mounted on a work table! I wasn’t happy with this but I needed to trust him when he said it’s all clamped down to the table. And I wasn’t as much help to him — he needed someone stronger who could haul things up to him while he builds the frame.

Where there are no windows we decided (well mainly me) to add corrugated steel. I love this material. I don’t know why. When I built a small loft/living quarters in the back of an 11,000 sq. foot building, that housed an antiques store, I bought up in Maine, all my bathroom walls were corrugated steel. I loved it. So when the opportunity arose to use it again, I was thrilled.

Wait…. I think I’m seeing a pattern here. I seem to enjoy building living quarters where there was none before! And apparently so does Eric. When I first met him, he was living in a very old school house up in northern New Hampshire. I didn’t make this connection about this similarity until right now. Sweet!


So we (mainly Eric) built this wall with old windows and corrugated steel. We love it. Especially since we don’t like ordinary — we enjoy creating our own unique individual space. And it helps to be married to a woodworker. He framed out each window and built sills for all. Below is a sneak peak to the corner of our kitchen. Will post the other half of the wall and our very cool custom center door as soon as Mr. Basketmaker and his step-Dad are finished!




18 Replies to “Our Wall of Windows Project: Upcycled”

  1. Bruce and I just put two days into the other side of the room and the large track door. Still lots to do but this is starting to look Dyno-mite!

    1. Thanks Donele… When you bring two people together who love to salvage things you can come up with some innovative stuff!

  2. Lynn I didn’t see Eric’s post to my Facebook until today. I sent him my cell number to text or email address to get in touch. I know a great place for you to stay in DC and it doesn’t cost much at all. I will even give a you the room with all the sun shiney windows!

    1. OOOOHHHH… I don’t think we can pass that up if you’re talking about your house! That would be fun! I’ll let Eric know you emailed him. BTW, he does not have text! He’s protesting… so people text me to talk to him!

  3. Absolutely the neatest! Good work! You all are amazing. So glad you love Tennessee! I can see the baskets hanging on the “tree” Hugs, Jane

    1. Thanks Patti! We like it too. It will look great when it’s turned over to it’s original intention… the Basket Workshop!

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