Where’s My Wallet?

This is the last thing I wanted to hear from Mr. Basketmaker, an hour into our trip north to the Michigan workshop. And I’m sure that’s the last thing Mr. Basketmaker wanted to be uttering, an hour into our trip north to the Michigan workshop.

But he did. So we pulled over, checked all the glove compartments, floor compartments, door compartments and seat compartments. No wallet. Therefore, we had to turn around and head back home to find it.

So what does a good Basketmaker’s Wife (or any spouse for that matter) do at a moment like this? Sit back, be quiet and enjoy the scenery. That’s exactly what I did. And when we arrived home, and found his wallet, I made sure to grab one of my extra pair of sneakers so when we hit the road again, I thanked Eric for turning around so I could get my sneakers!

So my travel tip is: all kinds of mishaps happen when on the road. Just sit back and try to enjoy it, even if you may be really annoyed inside! Or, you could try and convince him to buy a large man-purse.


6 Replies to “Where’s My Wallet?”

  1. Don’t feel bad Eric. We’ve all had similar experiences. However, I can tell you, as someone 25 years your senior, it only gets worse.

    1. Uhm, I don’t think so. He never will. He refuses to even hold my handbag when I need an extra hand. Oh yeah. Once he did, and he held it two feet in front of him!

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