We Are “Pumped” for this Trip South

We are on our way to the Basket Cottage in Milton for Mr. Basketmaker’s two-day workshop. The uprights, weavers and handles are all taped and the car is packed.



And we are extra-extra pumped to visit our dear friends and hosts, Jud & Suzanne. Why extra pumped? Because it’s only a 3-hour drive!

Before we moved to Tennessee over the spring, this trip to Georgia, that we made a couple times every year, always took two days to get down there and two days to travel back home. Those long journeys for work are exhausting. And it was four days of lost time for Eric. He prefers to do most of the driving, if not all. And I’m not just a bored passenger. I set up a little “mobile office” in the back of our van and would work away. So it wasn’t much lost time for me work-wise. I can do my freelance work anywhere.

Nonetheless, sitting in a car for a total of 17 hours over two days is tiring and we probably are a little cranky in front of our hosts!

So this time, it’s not so rushed around here! Instead of being on the road for 8 hours, which we would’ve been all day today if we still lived in New Hampshire, Eric had time to work on a new basket design.


And after closing up his workshop for the evening, instead of staying at a budget-hotel where we would have been if we still lived up North, he’s sitting in his favorite chair watching the Red Sox. (I tried to take his picture, but he wouldn’t let me.)


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