What a Difference a Day Makes.

We have been in Florida since Dec. 30th, visiting my parents so I’ve been on a little vacay. Mr. Basketmaker… not so much. He had one basketry workshop in Ocala on Friday and then another one in Venice on Sunday.

But it wasn’t all work and no play for Eric. Here he is, just yesterday morning, golfing with my Dad in Florida.


However, this is Eric today, shortly after we arrived home in Tennessee, experiencing firsthand the “polar vortex” that’s been all over the news. We found snow on the ground and frozen pipes in the farmhouse where his workshop resides. Lucky for me, no frozen pipes in McSoHo (the name we gave the building where we live).


Now we need to sit and wait, with fingers and toes crossed, while the defrosting occurs over the next 24 hours. Hopefully we’re all good, with no damaged pipes, and will not need to shut off the water entirely. I think it’s going to be a long night and day for Mr. Basketmaker.


4 Replies to “What a Difference a Day Makes.”

  1. Cute legs! Nice shorts! However welcome back to the frozen tundra. Hope the pipes are ok. Better than being in New Hampshire !

      1. Really? Wow. I hope everything works out ok. Maybe it’s because you were away. Didn’t run the water or have a chance to take precautions. Although what are you supposed to do to prevent freezing? I’ll google it! Stay warm.

        1. Well, when you live up north, you insulate, let your water drip, etc. etc. – You take precautions. Out here in southern/middle Tennessee, I don’t think the house builder in 1950 every thought it would freeze for 3 days straight! And we didn’t either so we didn’t let water drip or keep the heat up high!

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