A Non-Pinterest, No-Fashion Blog Here

I’ve always said that with my blog, what you see, is what you get.

I have followed about a dozen blogs for the last couple years that I now no longer read. I don’t know about you but I became bored over seeing the same thing. How many times do I have to see a tour of their beautifully and perfectly-designed home? Or the chic outfit they put together in 10 minutes before going to work?

Or my favorite … what they ate for breakfast. It sort of goes like this….

She discovers a peculiar and artistically crafted plate of food sitting on a once-dilapidated table that she sanded three times over and painted kiwi green with extra coats of gloss poly. This dish happens to be a blueberry crumbler concoction of some sort that her sweet, dear, amazingly-amazing husband made her while she slowly climbed out of bed in her trendy fleece onesie (We get the full Pinterest-worthy photos of the table and the trendy onesie of course).

But honestly, by the time she styled the scene, photographed her matching vintage yellow-flower napkins in the forefront, the silverware she found at a yard sale that compliments the color of the crumble, the curtains that match her vintage napkins, the elegant “thank you” note she just wrote her husband, the close-up shot of the plump blueberries she just picked from her garden the day before and the tiny bowl she bought on etsy that her husband put homemade whipped cream in, that breakfast is *&#$!* ICE COLD!!!

You won’t get that here. When Eric makes me breakfast, I have no time to take a picture because I’m quickly eating it! And I’m not really into trying to portray how perfect everything is. Especially what I’m about to put in my mouth.

Now keeping in line with the “what you see is what you get” theme, I am showing you an example of why I will never win any followers because of my fashion sense. One of the best things about living in rural Tennessee is that when it’s a freezing 18 degrees out and it starts to snow and I want to take the dog out for a quick morning walk, I can simply put some sweat pants on under my L.L. Bean flannel night gown, slip on my fav flower rubber boots, borrow Mr. Basketmaker’s work gloves and his redneck hat, top it off with my black puffy coat and a pink knit scarf and I’m ready to go!




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