Five Questions Friday: Puffy the Basketmaker

Q: When you woke up this morning, did you think you were going to have to cancel the Camp Tuck Basketweaver’s Workshop?
Eric: Nah, I just thought I was going to look like the elephant man.

Q: Can I tell people the story of what happened? I’ll wait until tomorrow to do the play-by-play. But in five words or less can you give us all a hint?
Eric: Yes you can. And my five words are: Itchy… swollen… eyes shut…. face-on-fire!

Q: I told your students that if anybody comes to class tomorrow morning with red, itchy faces then we will know it wasn’t an allergic reaction.
Eric: Oh great. So you’re telling people I’m contagious!
(fyi – he’s not contagious! I was simply kidding around with some of his students. Doctor this morning confirmed it was an allergic reaction.)

Q: So have I been taking good care of you? I mean, I went out in the rain to get your medication and you know how much I dislike getting wet!
Eric: You’ve been doing a super job taking care of me.

QWhat aggravated you this week?
Eric: Really? You have to actually ask??? Really?
Hey, simmer down Puffy the Basketmaker…  just following the “Five Questions Friday” protocol!

(editor’s note: we are laughing about it now, while Eric is teaching his evening basket class, but it was not an enjoyable day for Eric! He is still trying very hard not to touch or scratch his face but he says he’s feeling much better now then he did this afternoon. I will write more about his inconvenient misfortune-of-an-adventure tomorrow!)


5 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: Puffy the Basketmaker”

    1. LOL!!! Thanks Joanne H.! He is still teaching at his class and I just read your comment to him. He got a good laugh and said is that Miss Howard? I said “yup!” And he said “that would be truly cruel to put pictures of him in that state! And I would have to get both of you back for that!” LOL!

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