The Cottage Girls 2015 Calendar: March

Here’s March’s “Calendar Girl” which happens to be Miss Pat Beagle! If you don’t know what I’m talking about, then read this post here.


It’s March and I may be starting to sound a little forged very shortly, but this is one of my favorites as well. (translation or heads up: there’s more “months” ahead that are my favorites…)

The basket for the month of March was woven by Pat Beagle and when I was deciding where to shoot everyone’s baskets, I knew I wanted hers to be staged simply sitting on this exquisite area rug on the property, outside Atlanta, where I was shooting all the baskets.

For a calendar, rather at least for me, I usually need to keep it very organic and not decide, while on shoot, which baskets will be for what month. Instead, I chose to look at the piece in front of me, and decide what “background” would work well with this particular craft.

Nonetheless, as I initially processed Pat’s sewing basket in my head, I knew I needed to have it for March. Let’s say it was an instinct, or a feeling, or something I can’t explain. But I simply knew it was going to be featured for that month and I planned accordingly.

However, and as every designer knows, you need to have a “backup plan, just in case my instincts were inoperative that particularly sunny November day.” So I actually set up two shots for this basket… the one on this gorgeous carpet and another, outside in front of a red barn. The “carpet” shot won. But then again, I had great clients for this project and they pretty much left it up to me on what I thought looked best. So there really was no debate on what image would be used for March.

Below is March’s Calendar Girl, Miss Pat Beagle!


Note: I heard the little bird image used for the First Day of Spring, on March 20th, happens to be Jud M.’s favorite image… could this be true? Also, I don’t know who wove and created the basket I used for St. Patrick’s Day! (Bad me.) If anyone knows, please inform me here!


4 Replies to “The Cottage Girls 2015 Calendar: March”

  1. This basket is absolutely magnificent!
    Will the calendars ever be available for purchase?
    Thank you for sharing.

    1. I think next year’s they will have some available to purchase and won’t have all their birthdays designated.

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