Five Questions Friday: Walmart’s Carousel

Okay, before asking my questions, I need to mention that a lot of misfortunes have happened to Mr. Basketmaker this week. Well, actually, several of them happened just today! So I’m thinking that he’s going to want to have all the questions pertain to “what aggravated him this week.” So I’ll try and choose my questions wisely…

Q: Do you know how many phone calls I fielded regarding you dissing my godfather, Uncle Ed, in last week’s 5 questions?? He’s like one of the smartest people I know and last week, one of your answers gave him the duties of your gopher?  You have some explaining to do…
Eric: What? He’s offended? I was kidding. I’m pretty sure he knows that. However, if I must explain, my initial response would be that I thought he would be a nuisance due to boredom—why would he want to be holed up in one of my workshops making baskets?

My only apologies are that I’m sorry I offended him with “Starbuck’s” because I know he’s a Dunkin’ Donuts man (which I am too, I might add) but the expensive hotels where many of my workshops are, there’s no Dunkin’ Donuts in sight. And I thought I was doing him a favor by sending him to Starbuck’s because it would be a two-minute walk to the hotel lobby. But if he wanted to get in his car and travel for hours, down here in the South, to find a Dunkin’ Donuts, well then, I sincerely apologize. 

Q: I love the new garden space you created. But you’re going to have a hard time convincing Jackson that it wasn’t his own special private dog pen you just built…jaxson-garden-dog-dirtEric: Ah… that’s the least of my worries. I’m surprised you didn’t bring up what I did when I was digging said garden — I cut the DirecTV cable line! Now we’ve been without TV for a few days now. 

Q: Okay, I wasn’t going to bring that up but lucky for me, you did, because now I can post that pic I took of that severed wire…garden-dig-directv-cable-wire 
Eric: Let’s talk about the next aggravation which is that Walmart’s checkout carousel system sucks. After the power goes out, I went into town to get more gas for the generator and it was late because I waited until after the storm passed, and stopped in at the 24-hour Walmart to get ingredients for a pizza and half of the stuff was left at the checkout, in one of those bags on that silly carousel thing!

Q: I told you to always check the bags on that carousel since the last time you left headphones there and the manager said we couldn’t get a credit because she probably gave it to the next customer. So there was no proof that you left it.
Eric: Well, it’s not my job to spin that carousel and check all the bags! And because I went to Walmart because the power went out…

Q: Wait… are you going to bring up the stack of pavers that you put right in the middle of our walkway that I said wasn’t a good spot?
Eric: Ah, look. I got those pavers so I could put it over the DirecTV line so I would never dig in that spot again, and they are not coming until tomorrow, but wanted to leave them stacked nearby so I could place them immediately after he buries the new wire. Then we lost power and I went into town to get more gas for the generator in case we ran out. So it was pitch dark AND I tripped over them ONLY because I was dialing the number for Walmart because half my stuff was left at the checkout as I was walking outside to go into my workshop!

My elbow still hurts but you were a good nurse, taking care of the cut on my hand and the scrapes on my arm and my leg from the concrete step I fell on.


4 Replies to “Five Questions Friday: Walmart’s Carousel”

    1. Oh thanks Aunt Marjie! I finally convinced him, after all these years, that he’s right 50 percent of the time!

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