Five Questions Friday SUPERSIZED EDITION!

FYI, Mr. Basketmaker had these ready two weeks ago. However, last week, because of the current events, I decided not to post anything. So here’s his self-imposed, self-questioned and self-answered Five Questions Friday. (We will see if they are any better than my inquests…)

This is going to be the greatest Five Questions Friday ever and here’s why…

because I’m answering my own questions!

Most times I get asked Five Questions late Friday when it is pretty much over. Additionally, as you may know, I’m not a big fan of most of the questions thrown at me. Lynne does a great job with her blog but I do realize how much work it can be and because I’m all about the reader, here is my contribution… maybe a few better questions than “how did your last workshop go?” (Just for the record I sent these questions to Lynne Thursday afternoon.)

So here goes:

Q: Is a hotdog a sandwich?
A: Silly question maybe… but one that is very perplexing.

Here is the Merriam-Webster Definition of a sandwich: “Two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.”

Now you might say done deal… but not so fast. The national hotdog and sausage council says “no” and I will provide you with a quote: “Our verdict is…a hot dog is an exclamation of joy, a food, a verb describing one ‘showing off’ and even an emoji. It is truly a category unto its own.”

So, just because it is a piece of meat between some bread do you call it a sandwich?

Here is my final decision. When you go to a fast food place, say like McDonald’s, and order a cheese burger, they call it a sandwich. Now there is nothing but meat, cheese, onions, mustard and ketchup between two pieces of bread. Sounds familiar right? I think that would define a hotdog as well. How about Sonic Burger. Do they call a hotdog a sandwich at Sonic? I don’t know. I’ve never been to Sonic. So that’s my answer.
(So far I don’t think this is any better than one of my questions. I would even think it’s borderline strange.)

Q: If you could bring back a dead rock star for a beer who would it be and why?
A: I must say I asked myself a great question. Now I have to think about this one.

Let me think out loud: Jimi Hendrix: Tall, English guitar legend…I don’t think the conversion would go anywhere so “no” for him. Jim Morrison: Not a Doors fan so “no” again. John Lennon: This would be a great person to hang out with – so not sure.

Freddy Mercury: One of my all-time favorites….Elvis: I’m going to say “no” since it all went downhill with the whole peanut butter sandwich thing… Keith Moon: Might have been interesting until he blew up the hotel toilet with an m80, so that’s a “no”… Roy Orbison: To be honest he had a hard life… I’ll say “no” because he’s too depressing… Frank Sinatra: Now this guy knows how to work it… just afraid he would walk away sticking me with the bill, so he’s a “no” too.

Now I’ve got it… Johnny Cash: Totally The Man!

Q: Little Pom-Poms or big Pom-Poms?
A: O.K. before we get carried away let me explain.  When I grew up many years ago, cheerleaders used big Pom-Poms (and Lynne’s old cheerleading picture shows the proof) and now it seems that the Pom-Poms have shrunk. We have progressed as a society down to little Pom-Poms.  So my answer is: Smaller Pom-Poms because this means you see more of the cheerleaders.

Q: This is a very reflective question and quite honestly I am having a hard time putting it out there in the internet sphere (if that’s what you call it). Anyway here it goes: I admit I have two man crushes. There I said it. And the question I’m asking myself is if I could be teleported into the body of one of my man crushes who would I choose and why?
A: I’ll start with who these man-crushes are: Tom Brady and Jack White

Let me weight the pros and cons…

Tom Brady Pros:
4 Super Bowl Rings
Hot model wife
Good looks
Wife makes more money than you do

Tom Brady Cons:
Hot model wife (diva)

Jack White Pros:
Can do what he does best till he’s old and fat

Jack White Cons:

So Jack White wins!

Q: What irritated you this week?
A: Those Nielson Ratings that I signed up for and Lynne wrote about a couple weeks ago. I won’t bore you with everything that happened as it is more than I would read about, but here it is in a nutshell:

First you get a postcard in the mail saying that you have been chosen for this very important call to duty and a very polite person will be calling you in a few days. This person calls and if you are me you agree because the future of tv programing hangs on your shoulders. Here’s where the fun begins. They give you a journal for every tv in your house. For us it’s three, one in the living room, one in the guest den and one in the workshop. Then for one week every time you turn on a tv they want you to write down the time the channel when and for how long you were on said channel.

It all starts great the first day and I encouraged a reluctant Lynne but she really was the one that stuck with it to the end. For me, I found I have severe ADD when trying to keep a journal. Writing down every time I change the channel is just plain impossible.

For example, my shop has a tv going on in the background all day and I mean all day. Did I really watch History Channel’s “Ancient Aliens” for eight straight hours? Definitely not.  On one day did I watch six hours of reruns of American Pickers? Well, not totally but definitely watched more of this show than the Aliens. I won’t go on with all the other odd channels on my tv. 

If you see a spike in some weird programs, you can blame me.


5 Replies to “Five Questions Friday SUPERSIZED EDITION!”

  1. Lynne, please ask Next Friday’s questions! Though I do love ERIC a little more for the Johnny Cash answer. And a hot dog is not a sandwich-it’s a hot dog

    1. Thank you Tracey! I honestly did not like those questions. I told him they were good for his football league’s page but not my blog.

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