Buying Art From a Child Makes You More Creative

Okay, that’s not a scientifically verified statement. But I strongly believe that a child’s creativity can linger in a piece long after they have completed it. And when I get the opportunity to weave some of that innocent creativity around me I grab my wallet.

On one of my trips to the liquor store in the next county (since ours is dry) for some much-needed wine, I ran into a young, artistic entrepreneur who was at the counter making bracelets.


I learned that her name is Holly and she was there after school while her dad worked in his store.

I’m not sure of the “legality” of a minor being in a liquor store let alone selling her wares, so I will not mention the name. Besides, her dad works hard and I’m sure there might’ve been an after-school mix-up with their babysitter since this is the first time I’ve seen her (not that I’m a regular).

Anyways, I was curious so I walked to the other side of the counter to see if she sells them. And she does, at her mother’s restaurant. I told her I wanted one but I liked the colors of the bracelet she was making. She insisted that I wait and she would be done really quick.

After a few minutes she asked for my wrist and put the bracelet on me. Her dad snapped this pic of me proudly wearing my new acquisition!


However, right after her dad took this photo, I thanked her, then walked over to the other side and grabbed my purchases. At that moment I hear her little voice “Daaaad….” And instantly it clicked… I forgot to pay her! LOL.

So I ran right back over and gave her the money owed. And I told her she just learned her first lesson in face-to-face sales… don’t ever put the merchandise on your client until AFTER she has paid you!

She just smiled but her dad got a good laugh from that.

And since I’ve been wearing this bracelet, I feel much more creative! Honestly. Try it for yourself if you are in need of some new inspiration and let me know how it worked out.


6 Replies to “Buying Art From a Child Makes You More Creative”

  1. That is a very sweet story! And what a cute picture too. I wear bead bracelets that my daughter made for me and a necklace that my granddaughter made. but haven’t come across an opportunity like you had. What a good day you had! ☺️

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