The ‘Uber Kitty’ Backstory

I’m a procrastinator. And it’s not only with certain things. I procrastinate with my blog, my freelance clients, my paintings and even the work I need to do for the beloved Mr. Basketmaker’s biz.

My procrastination does not mean I’m sitting in front of the tv or taking a nap. I’m usually doing something else that when I woke up had no idea I would be doing. For instance, on one particular day I decided to design a logo for a fictitious business I created while in Nashville…

But let’s start from the beginning…

Mr. Basketmaker mentioned several times during his “Third Man Records” posts that my new nickname was “uber kitty.” So here’s how that got started…

When we were in Nashville for New Year’s with my cousin Karma G., I told him and Eric that I decided instead of going out on the town and spending money, I was going to log onto UBER and create a profile so I could make money driving people around. They got an initial kick out of that. But then I started creating my “uber taxi name” and came up with Uber Kitty! And both of them could not stop laughing. But then I told them I was coming up with scenarios of what would happen, like…

I pick up a group of young guys and they all say “Where’s Uber Kitty?” or “Are you filling in for Uber Kitty?” or even worse, “Hey, you must be Uber Kitty’s Mom!”

Both Eric and K.G. were crying they were laughing so hard at my little scenarios.

So I went back to the creative drawing board in my head and decided I would change my name to “Uber Cougar.” More laughing…

Long story short, it was a long-running joke the whole weekend and I never did use our van as a taxi service.

But a week or two after that, I’m sitting at my desk with a large to do list. I tell myself I need to focus and tackle some of these projects. What do I do? I make these… uber-kitty-logo-driving

So the above is what I was envisioning that night of what the uber kitty branding would look like. Including “call me anytime!” Before I finished it I called in Eric and he was laughing so hard. But then told me to get back to work.

So I completed that first logo. Then I went on to the next one….


Now many will wonder how much time I must have that I can sit and design these two fictitious logos. Well, I don’t.

However, the time was well spent because I was able to get Eric laughing throughout the day when he came into my studio to check my progress. Well, actually, he was probably making sure I was working and not goofing off but caught me doing “uber kitty.” But my payoff was that he would belt out a good couple hearty laughs. And if I can make him laugh then I feel like I’ve been a good wife. He has the best laugh and it makes me smile when I hear it.

So many times on this blog if you think I’m picking on poor Mr. Basketmaker or I’m being completely goofy… more than likely it was to get a giant laugh from him when he reads it. I love his personality in that he enjoys being “playfully picked on” and doesn’t take himself seriously. It’s why he’s good at what he does and why he is a great teacher.

Now I really need to get back to work…


One Reply to “The ‘Uber Kitty’ Backstory”

  1. I can not believe that no one left a comment on this post. It was too funny. You also left out the part when we went to reserve a table at a restaurant and you gave the name “Kitty.” You would have to have been there to see the look on this kids face.

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