Five Questions Friday: Viceland

Q: Soon it will be April which you have designated “home projects month”. So what will be the first project on our agenda?
Eric: Yard Work!
(I was hoping it was finishing our redneck bath house…)

Q: Wasn’t it fun voting on Super Tuesday? It was our first primary in Tennessee.
Eric: Yes, it was a nice change. While in New Hampshire we had so many candidates. By the time it gets to Tennessee the field has been narrowed.

Q: Have you ever taken a picture using your iPhone?
Eric: Are you serious? Of course! You will have to give me some time to find them.
(You need to find them and show me because I don’t think you have.)

Q: How was your visit from the two ladies from Kentucky?
Eric: That was cool. I think it was neat that they took a side trip here, on their way to a miniature show in Florida.

Q: What aggravated you this week?
Eric: Sometimes I have a hard time coming up with “what aggravated me this week” but not this time. I’m so hoppin’ mad I want to pull my hair out one hair at a time. This is wrong on so many levels.

Well, this weekend the H2, the sister station of the History Channel, changed it’s format. It’s now called “Viceland”. They should call it “Wasteland.” I tried to be optimistic so I checked it out with an open mind and here is what I found. America is in trouble.

The new demographics for this station is 22-32 year olds. They just shut down an educational channel and replaced it with shows like these… “Flophouse” where about 10-12 late-twenty-somethings live under one house. As the trash and dishes pile to the ceiling all seem to not have a care in the world. They don’t appear to work yet they have enough money to buy pot and go out drinking every night but never seem to save enough money for their own apartment—hence, the flop house.

Another show is called “Weediquette” which is self explanatory. I saw the first episode called “Stoned Kids” where parents were giving high doses of THC to very young kids with cancer. I could say more about this but I won’t. Then also have another show called “Balls Deep.” I’ll leave it at that.

I officially now feel old. They took away my programing because I don’t fit today’s demographics.
(So that was what you were yelling about the other night. I’d feel old because you used the words “hoppin’ mad”)


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