Eric Taylor’s City Pack Basket doubles as a Kitty Condo as well

Mr. Basketmaker made me this pack basket a few years ago. It got it’s name from the photo I posted of my sister wearing it while we were speed walking in New York City (see post here if you missed it).

Eric has it out on his workbench because he will be teaching this basket in November and is referencing it while making the materials (well, I’m assuming that’s why it’s there).

But someone else has decided to make it her own private little condo…

It even comes with its own special patio…

Perfect for stretching following an afternoon nap…








7 Replies to “Eric Taylor’s City Pack Basket doubles as a Kitty Condo as well”

    1. Thanks Anne. Yes, she seems to love that basket. But Eric will have to make her another one because I’m taking my city pack back!

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