2018 Cottage Girls Basket Calendars are arriving tomorrow!

It’s another 12 months of baskets from the Cottage Girls!

Since I don’t want to spoil the surprise of all the photos inside before everyone receives their copy, I’m only including the front and inside cover pages.

If you are not a Cottage Girl and would like to purchase one of the calendars, we have about 7 left over (purchase info is below photo).

The calendars are the same price as last year, $27 each. Please use the link below to purchase. Shipping is Priority Mail. If you would like regular snail mail, it will be $3 cheaper and I will refund the balance. Just let me know if you aren’t in a rush to receive and I will adjust.

Hit link to go to PayPal. (BTW, you don’t need an account—simply select “pay by debit or credit card” on the linked page.)


4 Replies to “2018 Cottage Girls Basket Calendars are arriving tomorrow!”

  1. This calendar is beautiful! Will you do one for 2019? Because I need one!
    I’m thrilled that my basket kit “Steve’s Miniature Fishing Creel” is included in 2018.
    Great job Cottage Girls!!!!!

    1. I LOVE that miniature Creel… I had to figure out how to get it in there!!! Don’t tell anyone… it’s one of my favorite shots!

  2. Lynne, the calendar is amazing! I say this every year but this is the best one yet! I love it…thank you bunches

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