Advantages of being married to Mr. Basketmaker…

Advantages? Ah, yes, there are many. But one is that he always has something in his workshop that makes my life so much easier!

For instance, here’s a prior pic I posted on here of Eric varnishing numerous mini molds…

We needed some new lights for our recently renovated covered porch but instead of buying new ones, I remembered we bought some chili pepper string lights years ago for our camper.

I found them buried under lots of stuff in our shed but forgot how much they really did fade in the direct sunlight. The red chili parts were completely gone and all white. So I thought I would paint them.

But how can I do that all in one pop and not have them lay on their side when wet? I’m all about efficiency and getting it done as fast as possible before I get distracted and onto another project and never finishing the current one.

Then it hit me… Eric’s mini-mold varnishing-contraption-thingy! He set me right up and it worked perfectly!

See… there’s advantages to being married to a basketmaker with a cool workshop filled with all kinds of contraption-thingys!



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