Five Questions Friday with my Mom!

I had a set of questions all ready to go for Mr. Basketmaker on Monday so when he arrived in Wisconsin, he would have plenty of time to answer. However, he has been very busy from dawn to way after dark processing materials… so instead of bothering him, I asked my mom since she’s sitting right here next to me…

Q: I see you have become really comfortable in Eric’s workshop while he’s gone in Wisconsin. How do you like working at his bench? 
Mom: The table is large and the height is good and I don’t have to crouch down. I also like all the bright lights.
I like working at his bench too when he’s gone. He has a good setup.

Q: Love the photos I got of you painting a small barn quilt and CoCo-Kitty supervising. Has she been helping you out? 
Mom: Not really. She wanders all over the wet paint and leaves footprints. Then I would have to repaint those spots and she would do it again. And then her hair kept getting stuck in the paint and I kept picking it out. And then scared the wits out of me when I heard a big crash in the other room. I went and looked and Eric’s molds were all laying on the floor. She must’ve knocked them over off the shelves.
Yeah, Eric complains about the same things… hair while he’s applying finishes and molds crashing down to the floor.

Q: So should Eric be worried that he will lose his workshop? I can rent it out to you for the summer at a good price!
Mom: Since I have a list of over 20 things I need to do back in New Hampshire, I think he’s pretty safe. Plus, since I’m on Social Security, I probably couldn’t afford the rent!
I think you could afford the rent…

Q: When I went in the workshop this morning, I saw all the sawdust picked up off the floor and the countertops around the sink sparkling clean… why are you cleaning Eric’s shop and how much does he owe you?
Mom: He doesn’t owe me anything. He’s hard-working and he’s up north getting his black ash when I know he’d rather be here. Plus he got us a free hotel room in Georgia to watch Sam’s (grandson) baseball game.
Everything you said was correct. You should probably keep cleaning tomorrow… 🙂 

Q: Gosh… I got Dad 3 jumbo bags of the “good” pistachios. There’s only half-a-bag left and you have been here since Tuesday shortly before midnight! You are here about two weeks… should I go buy more and how much more?
I’d say six more bags. That’s already five questions, where’s my “What aggravated me” question?
Oh, I thought I shouldn’t ask you that question since you’re on vacation. Who wants to be reminded about an aggravation.
Well, I know exactly what aggravated me. This teenage boy couldn’t get his bag from the plane’s overhead bin so he asked the guy in front of him if he could help him get it down. And the man turned to him and said “Good luck with that kid” and then he walked off. So another guy behind him helped the kid out. Even your father said “What a jerk.” Don’t you think that’s awful?
Yes, I do. Unfortunately it’s how many sections of society is today. People only care about themselves and not teach teenagers to be respectful and helpful to others. 

Thanks mom! For answering the questions, not about the six more bags…


5 Replies to “Five Questions Friday with my Mom!”

  1. Love reading your posts. Just wish we lived a little closer so we could harass Eric a little more.😊

  2. Great five questions. Good to see everyone is having fun. Leaving middle Wisconsin in the morning and will be home soon. Had some good what aggravated me answers, like running a jack hammer for five straight days. Bringing home 1,300 Black Ash Splints. Tell you about it later.

  3. Love the pictures of your Mom (and Coco kitty) working in the shop. She’s making a beautiful “quilt” and will look great when it’s done. I loved weaving in the shop when I was there a couple years ago. Was like being in a basketmakers heaven! Everything a weaver would need was all right there! Truly heaven! Have fun with your mom. Enjoy the time together, and buy as many bags of pistachios as needed!! LOL

    1. Thanks Donna! Yes, making a pistachio run shortly!! And for more jalapeño stuffed olives. I didn’t know I would like those but I ate half of my dad’s stash…

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