Can CoCo Kitty Count?

I don’t know.

I walked into the workshop and saw this…

My response was “What is going on here?”

Mr. Basketmaker said he was cutting materials for inventory and tossing them in this storage container and Miss CoCo Kitty decided this was a good spot to lay—so she climbed in and was not moving so he kept working.

I thought maybe he was fooling me and just taunting her but she was not budging—even when Eric put some staves on her head…

All she did was tilt her head so it fell. She really was not going to move out of that container so Eric kept cutting and tossing them in the box…

I just couldn’t help wondering what was going on in her head? What did she think the box was for or why Eric was piling pieces of wood on her. Was she counting them? Was she in a standoff? Was she trying to claim the box? I have no idea.

As I have said before… what is the point of Cats?? (remember… this question is coming from a hard-core dog lover of course!)

And if there’s anyone out there seriously allergic to cats, remember to request some staves that are “cat free.” I think these are for his Connecticut workshop in November…


4 Replies to “Can CoCo Kitty Count?”

    1. Oh my gosh… I just logged onto Eric’s website to get you the info and I don’t even have it on there! Not a good basketmaker’s wife, I tell ya. Will get back to you Janet when Eric gets back home with the Contact info.

  1. Oh that is too funny! We have 4 cats and yes they like to claim their space no matter what. Two of my cats will come and lay right next to my weavers when I’m making my baskets. They don’t want to move for anything! CoCo Kitty looks pretty happy there next to Eric, working away. She probably just likes the company regardless of the “things” that fly her way. LOL! Cute photos.

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