What’s their purpose again???

I’m a dog lover. I also have a cat. But the cat lives in the workshop and is more Mr. Basketmaker’s cat.

I also should add that I’m the one that rescued her, as a kitten, from a tree across the street from us. (I won’t mention that Jaxson was most likely the reason she was stuck up in that tree). We have brought her into the house but she seemed terrified. Then we bring her into the workshop and she lets out a sigh of relief. So she’s clearly declared the workshop as her home.

Back on point… I like cats and I like dogs. But dogs, to me, seem to have a purpose.

I often ask the cat lovers in my life… “What exactly is their purpose?”

I never get a very good answer.

Yesterday, my cousin Kerryn sent me a photo of her cat that made me laugh….

My first response? Yep, you guessed it. “What exactly is the purpose of a cat?”

I mean really….

Any cat lovers out there please enlighten me. I still don’t get it! What exactly is the purpose of owning an indoor cat?


7 Replies to “What’s their purpose again???”

  1. A cat’s purpose is to:
    Purpose#1: ensure food is stocked in the house, well, their food…in their bowls…and if empty will let you know…(did you know they cant tell time and their bowls run out around 3AM?) ,
    Purpose#2: make sure to keep your pillow warm when you are not in bed yet, then you get more fur balls than the cat…
    purpose#3: Hide the remote (intentionally?) when they lay on it
    The real purpose is to have a pet that loves you and snuggles with you …they don’t drool on you, purr to let you know they love that you are theirs and dont talk back 🙂

  2. A cat’s purpose in life is to be adored, pampered, attended to, coddled and cuddled, fed, be the center of attention—-but only on their schedule and timetable.

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