Saying Goodnight During Quarantine

As Eric mentioned last Friday, we both have quarantined ourselves…from each other as well. Many of you know I was born with a lung disease and now that I’m older, my immune system is compromised. This social distancing is not a big deal for me since I was already living cautiously when it came to being in large groups. I would have to pick and choose which events I could go to depending on how I was feeling. And when out, Eric always opened doors for me, he would touch the ketchup bottle to give me a squirt on my French fries and if we were at a buffet style dinner, he would always handle the serving spoons and put what I wanted on my plate. So I’m very used to the “social” part. But us being apart has been hard.

Since Eric is still working and goes to the store and handles mail and packages, we felt that I should completely isolate myself. And I look forward to the sunny days where I can hang out on the porch outside of his workshop and talk about what he heard on the news or read online or what he’s been working on.

Here is Izzy saying goodnight to Eric through the workshop screen door (sorry for the blurry pic, it was dark)…

Yes, Izzy is isolating with me along with Minnie Kitty. Eric has CoCo with him in the workshop. Hopefully soon we all can be back in the house together.

Hoping everyone is staying safe out there!


7 Replies to “Saying Goodnight During Quarantine”

  1. Awh…… You guys are sweeter than HONEY….. These have definitely been some trying times….. Lynne …That is too funny… I have a Kitty door and dogs that comes in and out of it… He is not a small dog either but he squeezes through… We have had many “critters” pass through that door dead and alive brought in by Betty Jean our cat. She keeps insisting on teaching us to hunt…
    I just Love you guys….. Y’all stay SAFE…

    1. Thanks Donna! Yes, CoCo and Minnie Kitty have brought in lizards, mice and last week a bunny that took awhile to catch. Hid behind the couch.

  2. Karen, maybe I will put up some photos from the shop kitchen where I make Lynne’s dinner. lol

    1. Uhm… I never really liked cats. I was a dog person. But Minnie Kitty… she is amazing. Awesome. Love her. She knows how to use the dog door. She goes out, comes back in, just like a dog.

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