5Q’s Friday: This week’s students ask Eric the Questions

This week, Eric had six students in his workshop and they asked to do Five Questions Friday. So I created a form for them to write in their Q’s and I started it off with this statement:

Well, well, well… Mr. Basketmaker tells me you ladies want to be involved in 5 Questions Friday. Because Eric is like a dictator, you will now see that I have to ask more questions than five. Why? Because he needs to approve them first. He picks out which questions he wants to answer. So below, are 8 slots to fill in your questions. Maybe he will approve more and they can carry onto next week! (I could only hope…)

I soon discovered that all 8 + 2 extra questions, that’s right 10 questions were ALL approved by Eric. And not only that, I was further told by ‘X’ (will withhold his name to protect his privacy) that he can tell I am not a basket maker because their questions were so GOOD and mine are usually bad. So ladies, you now can take over my job! LOL (Just kidding, it pays nothing.)

So the following are from six students, Emily, Jan, Susan, Lisa, Vivian and Ginger and we are calling them “Guts, Grits and Lipstick.” 1) because Ginger was wearing a very cool shirt with this saying and 2) there was some discussion about Emily’s lipstick requirements. But overall, all these ladies took Guts to travel during Covid-19 to support Eric and the craft of basketry. Grits – well it’s the South! And Lipstick… all these ladies were beautiful and such a joy to have around this week.

BTW, since there’s an abundance of questions that were “approved” by the ‘big boss’, this will be carrying forward two more weeks!

Q from “GGL”: Of all the processes involved in your work, what is your favorite step in the process and why?
Eric: I would say two things. Process-wise, splitting the splint to satin is work but its like opening a present. You don’t know what is going to be inside. Sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not. The other comes after I’ve made the mold and all the parts for a new basket— the weaving… I’m in the zone during the weaving of a new basket.

Q from “GGL”: Why did you decide you needed to cut your hair?
Eric: My license was about to expire and here in Tennessee, it is for seven years. I didn’t want long hair on my photo because, when it gets gray, I knew I would cut it before seven years. So I timed it to be cut before NCBA. I cut it, then couldn’t get another cut for all most three months due to covid-19.
Lynne here: I asked him that same question before and he rejected it. When I went in the workshop and announced this, he said “Oh it’s different now….” Yah, uh huh. And he was miserable that he couldn’t go get his haircut! He was one of the first in when Kari re-opened her shop!

Q from “GGL”: Do you have a favorite basket to teach?
Eric: No, because I have many that I love to teach. No one favorite. A better question would be what basket do I not like to teach. But that is for another day.

Q from “GGL”: Have you taught your wife to weave a basket?
Eric: Yes, but this will open up a whole long story Lynne is itching to tell about how horrible of a teacher I was to her. And I don’t want that to happen!
Lynne here: Oh it’s going to happen!!!

Q: What aggravated you this week?
Eric: Ok, get this. Anytime I have a workshop here in Tennessee, Lynne comes out to the shop and lobbies my students for sympathy towards HER! She works for me for nothing, I won’t buy her new shoes, I’m a big meanie, on and on.
Lynne here: he’s totally exaggerating. And I have 6 witnesses.

We are missing Jan and Ginger in this photo! We were a little discombobulated earlier this evening and I lost my phone and some scrambled!


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