So I don’t know my ‘trays,’ apparently…

During the last few workshops here, I noticed students took one of our Coca-Cola trays and were using it for their parts when moving from inside to the porch outside to do some work. Then others followed suit but used Eric’s crappy work trays filled with glue, varnish, and other junk.

Eric’s materials are “high end” (in my opinion) they can’t be placed on goop-filled dusty shop trays. So I thought I’d go online and buy some new fun trays for people to use instead.

Two of them was delivered…

Eric came running in with one of them asking, “Lynne, did you really buy this?” I said, “Oh yes. Don’t you like it?”

“Don’t you know what this is?” Me: uhm…. no…. should I?

“It’s the rolling papers that everyone makes marijuana cigarettes with. OMG!”

He then proceeded to educate me… Zig-Zag claimed that their product was sold for use in making handmade tobacco cigarettes. How many people do you know are rolling their own cigarettes? Are you punking me or what rock did you live under?

I told him I liked the color, the funny guy illustration, and that it was made in France. I thought it was a repro of an old vintage tray. And now the deep curves are perfect to bunch up the uprights so someone can dump them in water in one fell swoop.

He shook his head and walked away. I guess I better not tell him I got this one too…


2 Replies to “So I don’t know my ‘trays,’ apparently…”

  1. I remember those zig zag papers. Oops! That’s a dead giveaway as to what I was doing in my late teens!

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