This is 1 Serving of Almond M&M’s!

If you know me, then you are aware that I looooove peanut M&M’s. But I think I now love almond M&M’s even more! Mr. Basketmaker came home with a little surprise for me. Well, it turns out it wasn’t so little — a medium-sized bag of almond M&M’s. Yum!

He quickly adds “Don’t eat them all at once!” So I grabbed the bag, opened it up, put a few in my mouth, then lifted up the bag so I could see how many calories for one serving—out of curiosity of course.

There, right on the front, it clearly states it. I can afford 200 calories. No problem.


And there’s only 7 servings in this bag. Cool. I can estimate how many candies in a serving. So I told Mr. Basketmaker I would do a little test — eat what I think is one serving straight from the bag and then weigh the rest out and put them in little individual containers.

After I ate my “estimated serving” I turned over the bag and saw that one serving is a measly 1.5 ounces. Uh oh, I think I’m in trouble.


So I got out my scale, weighed all that was left and wound up with only 4 container/servings! Verdict: I ate a total of 3 servings x 220 equals 660 calories! Yikes!


So why are there only 3 containers? I ate one of them before taking this photo. I think candy companies should put a picture of the actual serving, like the photo I took below. It would really help us sugar-crazed folks who cannot judge how much ONE serving is! Honestly, who can really stop at this tiny amount when you have a whole bag staring at you?



4 Replies to “This is 1 Serving of Almond M&M’s!”

  1. I did notice that with the almond, there was a little more protein and a little less sugar, if thats any consolation. Almonds are good for you, right. It is hard to stick to portions, no matter what it is.

  2. I bought M&M’s in bulk, and without a scale I was clueless as to what an oz or serving actually looked like. I think your idea of posting a serving size picture on the package is ABSOLUTELY GREAT. Like how some pills and capsules will have on their packages. Thanks for posting this!

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